Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

P C One

In addition to being divisive, the name African-American is imprecise. My forebears were from Poland and Germany, so, apparently, by the same logic, I would be a European-American. We could have Asian-Americans, encompassing several, unspecified countries. How about Polynesian-Americans? Slavic-Americans? Scandinavian-Americans? South American-Americans? Ad infinitum.

What's wrong with just plain Americans? People who have come here and will come here for the right reasons -- freedom and economic opportunity, have become and will become citizens. Being a citizen makes you a part of the culture of the greatest country the world has ever known. It makes you an American.

If, in your home, you wish to observe some of the cultural traditions and practices of the part of the world from which your ancestors came, that is one of the glorious benefits of freedom. But when you engage in public discourse, you should do so in the American language -- standard English, and your behavior should emulate that of the best among us. If you cannot identify good Americans, perhaps you are not yet ready to join them, and assume the honored title of "American." (Published 9/30)


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