. . . selected short subjects
Four recent submissions to TV are on the topics of the bailout (used), the mortgage bailout (used), censorship, and recovery [used].
What the bailout looks like is that some crooks snookered some of us out of our money, and now the government wants to give the same crooks some more of everybody's money.
I suppose if I could determine how much each house is worth and which owners deserved to be bailed out, I might just think it's a good idea. But to let the government make those decisions? I don't think so.
Because many people believe that homosexuality is a religious issue. discussion of it has no place in a public school classroom. Library books on the topic should [not be removed, but,] be available to parents only, so that they may instruct their children themselves in the manner they consider appropriate.
[The greatest country the world has ever known will rebound, and it will be quicker if we elect the McCain-Palin ticket], and others who will reverse the direction toward immorality and socialism upon which the Democrats are embarked.
People think that eating shrimp is a religious issue. Should schools censor any book in which people eat shrimp?
Sorry, but religion should NOT have a veto power over education. The FACT is that homosexual people exist, and as such children should be taught about them. And one of the things that schools should teach is that it is wrong to treat someone badly because they are homosexual, just as we teach that it is wrong to treat someone badly because they are Jewish/Black/Asian.
If someone has a religious belief that "niggers" are lesser humans and should be slaves, should a school respect that belief and not have any books about the American Civil War or the emancipation movement? No. It should not!
You can read, but you sure shouldn't teach. Religion and politics have no place in the public school. As long as homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible, it's a religious issue. Ideally, any mention of any kind of sex is inappropriate in school, and should be taught in the home. That parents have abdicated their responsibility, does not give the schools the right to jump in.
History is mentioned in the Bible. So there should be no teaching of history?
Animals are mentioned in the Bible. So there should be no teaching of biology?
Stars are mentioned in the Bible. So there should be no teaching of astronomy?
Countries are mentioned in the Bible. So there should be no teaching of geography?
And that is just the Bible, what about other religious texts? Should anything that is mentioned in ANY religious text be avoided in schools? Or just the Bible?
Anything that is a matter of faith, yes. And here's the shocker: That includes creationism AND evolution.
EVERYTHING is a matter of faith to someone. Sorry, but religious idiots should not be in a position to censor education.
You're back.
I never went away.
But seriously, for some people, it is a matter of faith that the earth is flat. Does that mean that public schools should not teach that it is round?
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