Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Browned bread

Friday night, the Democrats dug the first shovelful in the groundbreaking destruction of their party. All the Republicans have to do (except the three Senatorial turncoats)is to sit back and wait until the "stimulus" does its evil work, and it looks like the 1930s all over again. Senator Collins will meet her doom this year in Maine, and the Democrats will wonder what hit them soon after. Voters are extremely fickle, and when the President can't fulfill his promises, they'll turn on him like pit bulls. His line of garbage may carry him through the 2012 election, but by 2016, if things aren't significantly better, the Democrats will be toast. Talk about your hope.

ATTN UNMARRIED GENTLEMEN: A little late, but if you didn't lavish "thoughtful" gifts upon your significant other yesterday, you are also toast. I hope you remembered the day named for Valentine, the patron saint of extravagance, because it could have been more important to you than her birthday, your anniversary, and the birth of Christ.


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