Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, February 06, 2009

The bunny cometh

This year Easter falls on April 12. According to the faux travel guide, "Molvania, A Land Untouched by Modern Dentistry" (The Overlook Press, 2004), you might consider celebrating the holiday in the Republic of Molvania. "Easter is a major event in Molvania and in every town and village locals will dress up, often in traditional costume, and celebrate the resurrection with music, dancing and each other's wives."

Do be advised, however, that, "As a general rule, spring and autumn [in Molvania] tend to be wet, winter is bitterly cold and in the summer the heat can be oppressive."

EXTRA: Because of Governor Schwarzenegger's furlough program, under which on two days per month, certain state workers are punished financially, the DMV was closed today. The lines were a little longer than usual, but nobody noticed the staff wasn't there.


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