Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Two 'toons

I find that there is much wisdom in cartoons. For instance, yesterday, Danae, the little star of "Non Sequitur," was seen to say, "The feminist movement in the '70s. . . was an alien plot to enslave men, but was thwarted by the great freedom fighter, Saint Hefner."

A classic New York Times cartoon mirrored one of my favorite themes. A penguin, seated on a couch, visiting a couple's house, was seen to say, "I prefer to be called an Arctic-American."

JOKE: (From "My Name Is Earl") An English sailor enters a bar with a ship's wheel embedded in his crotch. The bartender says, "Do you realize you have a wheel in your crotch?" The sailor replies, "Yes, and it's driving me nuts."


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