Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A comparison

The most obvious difference between Barack Obama amd Adolf Hitler is that Obama smiles more. (Actually, there are very few pictures of Der Fuhrer where he appears to be anything but very intense and less than happy.) Now, let us look at how the two men are similar.

Hitler was born in Austria, joined the German army, and went to prison where he wrote a book. Obama says he was born in Hawai'i (soon after it became a State), immersed himself in the corruption of Illinois politics, and wrote a book.

Hitler was a charismatic speaker, and Obama can give a barn-burner of a speech when he has the use of a teleprompter. It is scary to contemplate what Hitler could have done if he had had television available to him.

Hitler took over a country which was in a deep recession, and blamed it on the rich. In '30s Germany, most of the rich were Jews. Obama was elected President of a country with financial difficulties, and has proposed to punish the rich. To mention that many of them are Jews would not be politically correct.

Hitler closed the churches, driving religion underground. Obama has said that science is more important than morality. In the area of science, Hitler was a eugenicist, and Obama has embraced embryonic stem cell research. Obama also repudiates conscience, as regards the First Amendment rights of moral medical professionals.

Hitler surrounded himself with Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler, two pasty-faced weasels who resembled the disreputable Harry Reid and Patrick "Leaky" Leahy, right down to their steel-rimmed glasses. Obama has no cohort comparable to (Fat) Hermann Goering, however, because in the twenty-first century, obesity is not politically correct.

Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party. Obama has advocated "spreading the wealth around," one of the basic tenets of the discredited political system of socialism.

All the Nazis mentioned above committed suicide. It would be nice to believe they did so out of guilt, but it's not likely. Democrat politicians don't feel guilt either, because, of course, they are never wrong.


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