Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Page 336B

DISSEMBLE -- . . . 1: to hide under a false appearance 2: to put on the appearance of: . . . to conceal facts, intentions or feelings under some pretense 1

It's so gratifying when one finds the exact word for any occasion. In my last post, I described President Obama as "smiling and dissembling," and, as you can see from the attached definition, the description is painfully accurate.

I have lived through the terms of twelve U.S. Presidents, and this is the first one whom I suspect doesn't have my best interests at heart. If I were superstitious, I would say that number thirteen frightens me. I believe he is "concealing" his virulent socialism, a jealousy of those who are industrious and productive, a repudiation of the Christian principles upon which our nation was founded, a disregard of the freedoms of speech and religion, and the foolish belief that he can appease terrorists.

How else can you interpret such comments as, "spreading the wealth around," "don't let morality stand in the way of science," "don't listen to Rush Limbaugh;" and such actions as rescinding the right of medical professionals to follow their consciences, and the Iranians' amused reaction to his televised message of conciliation?

And all this with a big Alfred E. Newman grin on his face. I'm sorry, but I've never trusted glad-handers and those who simper in the face of adversity.

1 Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition. 1994


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