Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A bad choice

[President Obama has nominated Sonia Sotomayor, an Hispanic woman, to the United States Supreme Court. Being Hispanic, and being a woman are not the two most important qualifications for the job. Understanding the Constitution, and upholding it are.] [As seen on TV.]

The one word in President Obama's description of Ms Sotomayor that disturbed me the most was "compassionate." There is no room for emotion in the decisions of the Supreme Court. They are charged only with evaluating the issues presented to them to decide whether or not they are Constitutional. The Constitution means exactly what it says, and is only a "living document" iosofar as it may be amended by the Congress with the consent of the governed. Therefore, the only question anyone should ask Ms Sotomayor or any other Justice is, "Do you understand the Constitution, and will you uphold it?" How she feels about it is irrelevant.

EXTRA: How comforting it is to know that if I contract diabetes, I can now get monitoring meters from Bayer in five, count 'em, five designer colors. Whoopee.


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