Vote early. . . vote often
Today is election day in the Golden State. The Governor and the Legislature, having twice been unable to pass a viable budget, have presented the voters with six propositions, hoping they will do what the lawmakers lacked the guts to do. The propositions, a popular, frequently unenforced system of pretending the people run the State, are chock-full of increased taxes and other foolishness, and are predicted to fail.
I have already voted "no" via mail, despite the Governor's attempt to blackmail me by threatening to decimate State fire and police departments, and the schools. Actually, the sixth proposition would prevent lawmakers from getting pay raises when the State is running a deficit. It may pass, but when you think about it, as I did when voting "no," the less you pay lawmakers, the less likely competent people will want the job. With an actor in charge, it would be nice to have someone in Sacramento who is qualified to tell him what to do.
Results tomorrow. . . or when they're available. After all, Minnesota still only has one Senator, and AlGore will never accept that he lost in 2000.
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