. . . while watching TV (quality questionable)
Earlier than expected, I have received my insultingly small $250 check from Uncle Barack. It will not change my life. (The last Hispano-Suiza sold at auction drew a bid of six figures.)
I would send it back if I didn't think that would interfere with my Social Security and Medicare. Although I am somewhat conflicted about receiving more pension money than I paid in, I do pay premiums for my Medicare, and I need health insurance. Although my $100 per month doesn't begin to reimburse the actual (inflated) cost of my medical care to date, as an American I accept my responsibility to do my utmost to guard my health and minimize my drain on the system.
As I write, Neel Kashkari, former Assistant Treasury Secretary, is on Charlie Rose, and he says I should spend my $250 to stimulate the economy. What should I buy that I don't need or have, so far, been able to live without?
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