Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, July 04, 2009

The 4th of July

In deference to Rush Limbaugh, who said it first, Happy Dependence Day. With the government owning the auto industry, the banks, and your soul, how independent do you feel? As you eat your WalMart hot dogs and drink your generic soda, you might want to ask yourself, how long are you gonna let this go on?

Today, that rumbling sound you hear is the founders rolling over in their graves. And you thought it was fireworks. (Actually, part of the "sacrifice" the President wants is for you to forego fireworks this year.) To the founders, President Obama must look remarkably like King George, and they must fear for your freedom for which they put their lives on the line. Honor all those who died or were willing to die for you, regain the spirit of Independence, and calm the disturbance in the force.


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