Infamous trios
THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE, 1865-70 -- Paraguayan Dictator Francisco Solano Lopez imprudently declared war on Argentine, Brazil and Uruguay resulting in the death of a large part of his male population and the devastation of his country.
THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE -- Germany, Austria-Hungary and Serbia, 1882, vs THE TRIPLE ENTENTE -- France, Britain and Russia, 1907. Result: World War I.
THE SECOND TRIUMVIRATE, Rome, 43BC -- Octavian, Marc Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. Antony committed suicide and Octavian took the power from Lepidus.
ADOLPH HITLER, HERMANN GOERING, and HEINRICH HIMMLER, 1933-1945. The Holocaust, followed by their suicides.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SENATOR HARRY REID (D-NV) and REPRESENTATIVE NANCY PELOSI (D-CA) -- Presently embarked on a course to nullify the Constitution and create a society of people completely dependent upon the government. Fond of punishing those who demur.
EXTRA: Infamous "scientists:"
Dr. Josef Mengele -- Nazi Angel of Death
Margaret Sanger -- eugenicist
Dr. Jack Kervorkian -- suicide guru
Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyl and Dr. Strangelove -- fictional loonies
Dr. Donald Berwick -- recess appointed Obama health care rationer
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