Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, January 08, 2011

AP strikes again

In its story about the resignation of Justice Carlos Moreno of the California Supreme Court for personal reasons, the Associated Press dug up a quote from Gerald Uelmen, law professor at Santa Clara University, who said he expects Governor Brown to appoint a liberal replacement, so as not to "affect the ultimate balance of the court." To reinforce this ludicrous concept, Uelmen added, "Brown will likely choose a Hispanic or African American to fill the open seat since there will not be a member of either group after Moreno steps down." The AP, by its silence, failed to point out the obvious racist and prejudiced nature of those comments.

Of all the qualifications of a supreme court justice, the ones suggested by Uelmen are the very least relevant. In fact, it is safe to say that they should not be a consideration at all. Until the AP and the rest of America come to that conclusion and act on it, racism will continue to infect our culture. As I have said before, equality, tempered by love and understanding, is the surest way of structuring a fair society.


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