Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Legislature is "watching" (published 6/16)

I voted against the creation of a redistricting commission because it just added another level of bureaucracy. When it passed, I foolishly assumed that the entire cost of the enterprise would pass to the 14-member group of re-drawers.

I was wrong. The politicians are still spending our tax money, not so much to facilitate the redistricting process, but to search for loopholes to use to subvert it to their advantage. The State Senate has hired a firm of lawyers for a maximum of $75,000, of which $10,950 has already been spent. Not to be outdone, the State Assembly has contracted for a different gang of attorneys for four years at $300 per hour, and they have already expended $218,771.

Meanwhile, various interest groups from all the fringes of society are mounting protests, while the majority of us citizens, who are being fleeced financially, are sitting on our thumbs. The GOP says it wants to "monitor the process," and the Democrats say, "lawmakers have a legitimate interest in protecting constituents' interests."

Tell them you know that all they care about are their political futures. Let's replace those who waste our money in that endeavor.


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