On Wednesday, I watched "High Sierra" (1941), the stars of which are Humphrey Bogart, a small appealing dog, and a 1937 Plymouth. Also appearing is Ida Lupino who has fewer scenes than the car. Thursday, I tuned into the middle of "The Big Sleep" (1945) starring Bogart and Lauren Bacall. I believe he was driving the same 1937 Plymouth. The bad guys were driving a 1939 restyled Plymouth. The sailing ships on the hood ornamnents were clever early product placements.
"High Sierra" takes place, in part, in Lone Pine, California, a small picturesque community in the high desert at the foot of Mt. Whitney. About twenty-five years after the release of the film, my family and I moved there for one day when I secured a teaching position and rented a house. Arriving back home in the Bay Area to pack, I received two simultaneous phone calls. One was from the man who had rented us the house, and who had changed his mind. The other was from the school district nearby where I eventually spent the next 13+ years. I don't remember having seen the film before I resigned my one day job. I'm too lazy to enjoy changing residences.
I JUST RECEIVED a form letter from the Obama Medicare ghoul, Dr. Berwick, informing me I am eligible to apply for even more government financial assistance, but until I can't afford what I am paying now, I will not gouge the taxpayers any further. Good grief, what a guilt trip.
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