Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, May 07, 2011

The way it looks to me today

The story of the death of Osama bin Laden changes by the hour, and if it were a TV show, I would suspect they are making it up as they go along. With the Obama administration's penchant for lying, I am forced to create my own scenario. At this moment, subject to change, I believe the President ordered an execution. No matter what the Seals encountered, bin Laden was going to die. The withholding of the photos suggests that taking them was a mistake, and the ocean dump really raises my suspicion, because that prompt burial tradition is Jewish, and it is unlikely that radical Muslims would embrace it.

Obviously, Obama's primary motivation is re-election. We have already learned that, for all his high-minded talk, he's just a cheap Chicago politician. When faced with the election results of 2010, he immediately began waffling and called it compromise. Men of character don't fold under pressure, and no one should vote for politicians who don't stand by their convictions.

I sincerely hope that those voters who were fooled by his slick rhetoric the first time will not be hoodwinked by this latest obvious bit of contrived melodrama. I pray that no one will support a person who can order his enemies to be assassinated, but lacks the guts to do it himself.

FYI: "Offended" (5/3) was published in the E-R today.


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