Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cynthia Tucker

If you are hoping that racism is alive and thriving in America, be sure to read Cynthia Tucker's weekly column. She is an educated and successful black woman who, somehow, manages to see a racist behind every tree, and gleefully knocks us over the head for allowing America to help her to expound that nonsense from her position of financial security and editorial freedom.

This week, she took the opportunity to excoriate one of "her own," Presidential candidate Herman Cain, another strong, accomplished black person. She attacks him for having a justified fear of Islam, whose main religious tract commands that all other religions must be sublimated or, lacking that, their members be exterminated. I am of the opinion that if you profess to be a member of an organized religion, you must be committed to its every principle. How do you suppose the everday devout Muslim can deal with those of us whom the Quran says must be converted or die?

[When you read Tucker, you can detect her innate unhappiness. Although she acknowledges that Cain will probably not be the Republican candidate, in her bitterness, she can't resist calling him a "narrow-minded know-nothing." Ah, name calling -- the final refuge of disappointed Obamaites.]

Finally, Tucker states that, "Many black voters. . . take great pride in the nation's first black president," as though skin color had anything to do with one's qualifications for public service. How proud can anyone be who now knows that President Obama is little more than a cheap Chicago politician who has run up the national debt to the brink of default, and can only offer, as a remedy, to punish the most successful among us -- the people who provide the jobs -- with abusive taxation?


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