Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Stuff I have left over; never waste

I find myself saying, "I voted 'no' on that," more and more often nowadays. It gives me a warm feeling to know I was right about so many things. Here are a few selected examples, in no particular order: I didn't fall for candidate Obama's empty promises, and was particularly appalled by his budget-busting healthcare plan which has become increasingly unpopular. I voted "no" on medical marijuana, and now its excesses have brought it down. What happened to those Indian casinos that were supposed to have a few well-regulated slot machines and no alcohol sales? I voted "no." The high-speed rail was ill-conceived and cannot be funded. My "no" vote could have told you so.

I'm happy to help you to resist the temptation to allow the government to spend more money it doesn't have, and to detect the proposals that are trouble waiting to happen.


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