What it's really about (Published w/o [ ] )
The AP article "Prop.8 repeal cleared for signature-gathering" on 12/17, has the board chair of the gay rights group, Love Honor Cherish, talking about how "a majority of California residents have realized it is a mistake to deny loving same sex couples the right to marry." Apart from the wishful thinking aspect of that statement, this issue is far less about loving, and mostly about money and control, specifically the control of money.
Over the past several years, I have found myself in six medical facilities. At no time did any of my friends or family who attended or visited me report being questioned as to who they were, so I discount the claim by gays that they are routinely denied access to hospitalized partners.
I am unmarried, and the medical and financial decisions at the end of my life will be made by one or more of my children. There are legal documents which designate my wishes, and they are available to all -- gay, straight, married or single. Government is uniquely unqualified to deal with "loving," so I feel its intrusion into marriage has been and always will be unwelcome.
None of the qualities espoused in the name, Love Honor Cherish, as applied to personal relationships, can be illuminated or even comprehended by government. [Love, to most politicians, is love of self. Honor usually involves not getting caught, and what they Cherish most is the money they can accumulate in their personal bank accounts.] All of us would be better advised to cast our fortunes in with some higher authority, such as the one who created the sacrament of marriage originally.
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