Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, July 15, 2006


What am I missing here? Only U.S. citizens can vote in American elections. Aliens must learn English to pass the test to become citizens. Why do we need to print voter information and ballots in other languages?

How about this one? How can people who oppose the death penalty see nothing wrong with killing unborn babies?

What kind of a person is so afraid of God that His image, or the mere mention of His name, or even a cross sends him/her into a paroxysm of rage?

Why is it that so many politicians will do or say anything to get elected? Is it for the money, or is it a power grab? It certainly doesn't appear to be for the benefit of us citizens.

Finally, for today, what is the state of mainstream journalism? Observe the situation at the Santa Barbara News-Press where the OWNER, Wendy McCaw, has prompted several staff resignations with her "unwillingness to let editors and reporters 'flavor the news with their personal opinions.'" Isn't that what news reporting is supposed to be, unflavored?


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