Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, August 18, 2006


"Wal-Mart is here to serve our customers," is the mantra of the company from the CEO down to the employee I just heard on the radio. I bet they chant it at every employee's (called "associates") meeting. Effective propaganda relies on the oft repeated lie. The Nazis taught us that and even boldly admitted it, so don't be roped in.

Wal-Mart is only here to make money, pure and simple. They went to Germany and South Korea and bailed out when they didn't make enough profit. Goodbye "associates" and customers. They stay out of Chicago, New York City, the state of Maryland and other areas where the laws and/or taxes are more stringent than they like. How does that serve the customers, especially the poor, who live in big cities? And when the "associates" try to unionize, Wal-Mart closes the store. They only serve themselves; "associates" and customers be damned.


At 6:01 PM, Blogger Kurt said...

Go Hatlo!


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