Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Chicago Update and TV

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has vetoed the City Council's proposed ordinance that AP says,"would have required mega-retailers to pay their workers more than other employers." Daley rejected this epitome of unfairness with the words, "[It] would drive business from the city." At the very least.

In a related action, California Governor Schwarzenegger has signed into law an increase in the minimum wage. This could also drive out business, and will certainly cost jobs.

As seen on TV. Responding to the Democrat's criticism that the President's speech was political, I said:

Is your life a political issue? Is your family's security a political issue? Neither is the war on terror. When President Bush exhorts us all to help him to seek out and defeat the enemy, he's not talking politics; he's talking survival.


At 5:14 PM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...


At 2:53 PM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

What don't you understand about survival?


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