Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

To Serve and Protect

Four police agencies will saturate the south County roads this Friday night looking for drivers under the influence of alcohol and drugs. City Police Chief Tony Cardenas threatens arrests and says, "The best way to avoid arrest is not to drink at all." Really!?

But I digress. Recently I came across a paper I wrote in the last century entitled "The Impossibility of World Peace." I thought I might reprint it here, but it was a college paper and badly overwritten. I am pleased that it confirms that I've always been right.

Recently, the jihadists have reinforced my belief by proudly proclaiming their intention to kill everyone who doesn't agree with them. While you're watching your back and ducking the bullets, you may want to forget dreaming about negotiating for peace, as some of us did many years ago. Better yet, in November, vote for those who understand the threat to our survival.

October 3, 2006 -- ll,727.34 and you were there.


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