Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Monday, March 12, 2007


Over the weekend, a small group of protestors calling themselves The Cindy Sheehan Brigade demonstrated outside the Clinton Compound in upstate New York. Hillary wasn't there and Bill hasn't dared to show his face or penis in months. Chanting "Pillory Hillary," the Peace Nazis took issue with her wishy-washy stance on excoriating the troops and her one-time support for them.

In mid-afternoon, a large black SUV was seen coming down the road, and the mobette was heartened until it was determined that Mrs. Bill wasn't aboard. Apparently, she doesn't emulate Nancy Pelosi in her choice of land transport.

Mostly women, the Brigade members were nattily attired in polyester pantsuits, and they sported flowsy blonde hairdos. Suddenly, Chuck Shumer, the other liberal New York Senator, similarly attired, appeared from out of nowhere to address the mobette. But he couldn't be heard over the squealing, and he stamped his foot and unexpectedly discovered there is no place like home.

After a generous helping of crow, the Brigade reluctantly got back on the bus for the ride home. On the way, they stopped at Wal-Mart, genuflected, and paid homage to low prices. Then they bought vast amounts of the loss leaders du jour.


At 7:14 AM, Blogger Kurt said...

You are so insightful to compare those protesting the war to the Nazi party.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

Nazis were the epitome of peaceful, as long as they could eliminate everyone who disagreed with them.


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