Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


1. By Edwin Garcia (MediaNews Sacramento Bureau)

SACRAMENTO -- "Suppose you are a husband who, upon marriage, would rather take your wife's last name. Or maybe you are in a domestic partnership and want to take your partner's surname, or create a new name altogether.

"The state Assembly passed a groundbreaking measure Monday that would make it a whole lot easier to do just that.

"If AB 102 is adopted by the Senate and signed by the governor, California would become the first state to allow domestic partners to change their names without having to obtain a court order. . .

"But the Name Equality Act of 2007 would make it easy for them to change their last names as it is for wives upon marriage. County-issued marriage license applications and state-produced domestic partnership certificates would be amended to allow couples or individuals to jot down any last name they wish to adopt. . . ."

I am planning to marry a sheep; we will be known as Mr. and Mrs. Fluffy.

2. I regret I will be unable to attend tonight's scheduled speech by Cindy Sheehan at the local university (ha!). I will miss the opportunity to boo loudly and yell, "Go home," for the few brief moments before her handlers' security force either ejects me or calls the police to do so. I wonder if I would have been treated with all the peace, love and respect these people profess. For instance, "Please don't do that," would bring immediate cessation and a classic non- apology. After all, they are aware of my position, and it's unlikely they will try to understand it.


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