School and Church
At Fresno State University, a child shot three other children, killing one. Although they were ostensibly college students, they were arguing over a toy, a Sony PlayStation, so I consider them children. Other college children expressed surprise the campus remained open after the event. The shooting occurred off-campus, and if we're going to run scared every time some crazy loses control, we'll just have to write civilization off, and welcome those Islamic extremists the Democrats want to invite to come here.
Some adults, the police, have captured the killer; and, hopefully, other adults, a judge and/or jury, will give him what he deserves.
Exercising their perceived exempt status, several churches are inviting illegal aliens, one at a time, to accept sanctuary with them. What an excellent opportunity for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. They can just wait outside the churches until the illegals grow restless and slip out for beer, illegal drugs, a cockfight, or chimichangas. Then the ICE can arrest the criminals on their way to satisfying those vices which the clergy might frown upon.
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