" Fellow students, teachers, and Principal Rooney:"
Barack Obama looks and sounds like a candidate for president of his high school senior class. You know, the kid who talks about things we know will never happen. There's that longer lunch period, better food, more frequent dances, shorter classes, longer breaks, condom dispensers, soda machines, and no rules governing proper attire and acceptable behavior. He implies that the certificated staff is unfair, and some of them should be reigned in or dismissed, although he knows it's imprudent to say it aloud, so he speaks well only of the ones who are liked, and encourages his constituents to abuse the others in their minds. Should the teachers worry?
Obama, on the other hand, foments hatred in the minds of his constituents for the most industrious and productive Americans. Then, he proposes to punish them through excessive taxes, thus promulgating class envy and creating a socialistic society. The rest of his program is almost as pie-in-the-sky as our high schooler's, except it's tinged with racism. Is your passport up to date?
John McCain is the lesser of this year's two evils. He's too old to be senior class president, but he's been around long enough to know what doesn't work. Yet, he is willing to get together with his Democrat cohorts to try things, hoping he can blame them when the plan fails. Ain't politics fun?
LAST MINUTE ADDITION: (Just sent to TV) The Paris Hilton ad proves that any airhead can look and sound impressive, if he has a good speech writer and is attractively attired. Parenthetically, her "energy plan" is no sillier than anyone else's.
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