Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Monday, July 20, 2009

Keyser Sose

The idea for the first of the leftover episodes of "Dirty Sexy Money" was a direct steal from the classic film "The Usual Suspects," except that the protagonist lacked the charm of Kevin Spacey. Maybe this theft was the factor that encouraged the network to cancel it.

Meanwhile, President Obama is out traveling around, lying about health care, while TWO AMERICANS are still languishing in North Korea, eating fish heads and rice, and undergoing some of the same psychological torture that Congress finds so offensive. If John McCain had been elected, do you think he would have let this go on so long?

TO TV: If men really did walk on the moon, the event speaks for itself. Every time someone feels the need to offer more "proof," I grow more suspicious. Methinks they protest too much.


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