Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Another infamous date

I am going to pretend that the 3/23/2010 signing of the health care disaster was not the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States of America, even though the attack on Pearl Harbor and the tragedy of 9/11 pale in significance to the possible destruction of our way of life posed by a group of socialists who have blatantly disregarded the will of the majority of Americans, and have begun to usurp their liberty.

I will not compare 3/23/2010 to 1/30/1933, when the Third Reich was born, but I now know how many Germans must have felt when they saw what was about to happen to their country. Our best hope now is the Constitution and the Supreme Court, whose interpretation can negate the many improper portions of this 2,400 page abomination.

One other glimmer of hope (and change) will arrive in November, when all the Congressional Democrats who voted for Obamacare can (and should) be removed from office. Possibly new Representatives will subsequently repeal the most outrageous provisions of this freedom killer. I do recommend that we also keep a wary eye on Rahm Emanuel and the devious czars, whose tactics sometimes resemble those of Hitler's cohorts. Don't let their lies achieve the degree of efficiency with which Joseph Goebbels propagandized the German people.


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