Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, October 22, 2010

As seen on TV today

Representative Barney Frank, and the House Financial Services Committee he chairs, encouraged mortgage lenders to give home loans to people whom they knew could not repay them, and he and anyone else who thought that was sound fiscal policy is to blame for all the economic problems of today.

STILL PUZZLED: I don't understand the concept of "openly gay," as mentioned in reference to military recruiting. As a heterosexual, I have never felt the need to announce than I am "openly straight," an action I consider irrelevant. With whom one chooses to have sex is nobody else's business, be it a man, a woman, or even a sheep. (Stop bleating, Fluffy; those days were over the first time you left me.)


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