The devil makes him do it?
The Sacramento Bee regularly publishes long, rambling misinformed articles by self-proclaimed celebrities who are invited and/or paid to bloviate about some liberal cause that the paper supports. The last two times I wrote letters to the editor dissenting, The Bee ignored me, so the only place you will see my critique of their latest nonsense will be here.
Bobby Caina Calvan, who says he "covers the health care industry for The Bee," wrote almost a full page, whining about his recent brush with a hospital emergency room. Apparently, he paid $1,990, which was 18% of the total charge, but even less than the 20% his health insurance had guaranteed him. Boo, hoo, things are expensive nowadays.
I never earned as much as $20,000 in any year of my life, but at no time did I lack having at least $2,000 available in case of emergency, because it would be foolish not to. In today's world, paying what Calvan did was chump change, and his grousing about it annoyed me.
However, I was most stunned by one sentence which was tucked into the middle of the thousands of words for which Calvan was probably paid by count. Standing alone, acting like a paragraph, it said, "And for a moment, my thoughts focused on whether I was responsible for my own failing health."
Who the hell does he think is responsible? Me? You? The cigarettes he shouldn't have smoked? The government? America? Darwin? God?
Actually, one of those last two seems to be the answer. For anyone who is conscientiously trying to keep up with the constantly changing proscriptions of science, bad health would seem to be attributable either to genetics or circumstance of birth. I guess that means Darwin and/or God make Calvan sick.
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