You may want to review my letter to the editor, "Published today" 9/8, to fully appreciate the response of the "smoked-out moron" to whom it was addressed.
Obviously, I did not engage in name-calling, so Galia only imagined it when he said, "I may or may not have been on pot when I wrote my last letter, but at least I was on this planet, and I resent the writer's inference that I am some kind of smoked-out moron." Need I respond to that self-indictment? Of course not. How often do you suppose he has already heard that epithet from his friends and relatives?
In another bit, Galia somehow tried to describe his "less deadly" comment as sarcasm, "Since everyone knows that cannabis has never directly killed anyone. . . " There's that "everyone knows" nonsense again. I'm sorry, but I don't know what he thinks sarcasm is.
Another thing I would like to know are the names of those "thousands of doctors" whom he says endorse the "medi-pot movement." Where do you suppose they are? The Mayo Clinic? Johns Hopkins? Cedars-Sinai? Maybe Alan Harper's chiropractic clinic in Tarzana.
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