Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am, indeed, holier, Pansy

My favorite newspaper editor told Hamett that his discussion with me was over; so, apparently, one of his friends, Pansy Palmer, responded for him. She laid into me with words and phrases such as "problem with the truth," "cowardly, "zero credibility," and "insulting." She closed with that literary gem, "He knows where he can go. . . " Is that the way for a Pansy to talk?

She actually researched other letters I had written, looking as far back as February, to attempt to discredit me. Because she claimed to be a Republican, I decided she merely misunderstood, or was under Hamett's sway.

Therefore, I constructed a "really friendly" letter, carefully pointing out her misinterpretations, but my editor finally realized what was going on and refused to publish it. So, I asked him to send my missive of conciliation directly to Pansy, and, much to my surprise, HE DID. In her place, I would be embarrassed to have been so vitriolic to such a nice guy as I.

(Sarcastic? Me? Maybe a little. Will Pansy ferret it out?)

SUBMITTED TO TV: Even if he had died six months ago, Brett Favre would still have shown up to Vikings' training camp yesterday. He will keep playing until he completely decays, because the money in pro football is more important than life.


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