Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Published today

The following is the most controversial thing I have had published since I criticized those teachers who put words about the global warming hoax into small children's letters:

Robert Galia's letter Thursday espousing "family" pot farms contained two consecutive stunningly contradictory sentences. Let's examine them.

1. "The cannabis plant is in fact medicine, a wonderful and healthy substitute for addictive and unhealthy synthetic narcotics."

Nonsense. Medicines cure or, at least, alleviate the symptoms of disease. In Galia's words, "most of us know and agree" that marijuana merely masks the pain associated with disease. Then in his very next sentence, Galia further puts the lie to the health benefits of pot.

2. ". . . In comparison to alcohol, [marijuana is] a far safer choice, less disruptive and less deadly."

Less deadly? Would you take any "medicine" that was potentially deadly? We have the words of a man whose entrepreneurial spirit is driven by. . . duh, I forgot what I wanted to say. Hey man, give me another hit of that joint.

(No pot was smoked during the writing of this critique. I cannot vouch for the creator of the inconsistency cited above.)

EXTRA: There is a new government PSA on the radio, urging people to keep the kiddies from eating lead paint. Don't you remember the pleasure of licking and chewing on the walls? What? You never did? Neither did I.


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