Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Monday, August 23, 2010

Something completely different, again

It's the bottom of the sixth, the last inning of a Little League World Series baseball game. The team in the field is leading 3-1. There's one out and a runner on first. The batter hits a screaming line drive up the middle, and the little second baseman, full of the drama of the situation, leaps in the air, possibly higher than he ever has before, and snags the ball.

Big league play, right? What comes next is even better. Although we can't see how far on TV, the runner is off first base. We think, "Throw over; double him up." Instead, the second baseman takes a few menacing steps toward the runner, chasing him back, and then he breaks out in a big grin. The ball is stuck in the webbing of his glove, and he can't get it out until he takes the glove off. He is laughing as he does. That's big league presence of mind.

Parenthetically, the pitcher strikes out the next batter, preserving the victory. It just had to end that way.


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