Juan for the road
Many years ago, I had occasion to fly 3-4 hours across the country. Seated next to me was a young man who had the words "Born to raise Hell" tattooed on his arm. It so happened that only a few days earlier, somewhere in America, a viscious, alleged serial killer with a similar body adornment had been arrested. Could he have escaped or been released on bail? I breathed easier only after inebriation caused my seatmate to doze off.
Soon after 9/11, we were cautioned to be wary when taking public transportation. Everyone knew that the enemy had dark skin, wore characteristic costumes, and might act suspiciously. So, when Juan Williams of NPR said he was nervous in the presence of such persons, I could certainly understand. And when his employers, who profess to be fair and unbiased, fired him for acknowledging his fear, they put their gross hypocrisy on display.
Don't misunderstand, I seldom agree with anything Juan Williams says, but he is unusual for a liberal, in that he seems to be a nice person, and lacks the meanness so many of his political persuasion exhibit. I have actually seen him smile, and I would defend to the death his right to speak his mind as he sees fit.
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