Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, August 26, 2011

They can ask, but. . .

Recently I returned a request for funds masquerading as a survey to the Republican National Committee. Naturally, because I have no use for partisan politics, I sent no money. I did respond to the politically loaded questions with most of the answers they expected, and although it is unlikely to be read, I sent it because they provided a postage-paid envelope. I have returned more useless requests from even less reputable groups marked with the words, "For suppository use only." That'll teach 'em to send me free postage.

Last year, the first time I ever became "politically active," I contributed $100 to my local member of Congress, Wally Herger, not because he is a Republican, but because he always seems to vote the way I would, and say the things I do. In one other instance of activism, I encouraged first born to display a sign on the property touting the re-election of our fine county district attorney, a good law-and-order man. He lost to the political hack he had earlier replaced.

Inasmuch as partisan politics resembles gambling, and our family almost never wins at that enterprise, the DA's loss was to be expected. Wally won, but the margin was one of the closest of his many elections. His publicity people have since sent me some poorly worded propaganda, and I probably won't be contributing again. Sometimes they can sound as mean as liberals.


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