Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Right again

My first choice was selected again, giving me a perfect score so far. Can I spot talent? Actually, I'm a sucker for comedy, and I loved the girl, pretty of course, who could challenge Rich Little.

Unfortunately, I was only right one other time last night. One group selected was cleverly acrobatic, but I preferred the singer. The other choice was perfect for the twitch and sweat crowd.

Now that sixteen have been chosen, the ratings are apparently so good that they're going to bring in twelve new contestants from YouTube. NBC will still be having summer in November. We should have chosen one of the pre-teen groups, because they'll be as old as Harry Potter before it's over.

REQUEST: If anyone saw the new scripted reality show, "Take the Money and Run," please tell me if it's as stupid as the one snippet I saw. First born's TV does not receive ABC, so I could not record it. I don't think I'll be sorry about that.


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