Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

. . . and the beat goes on

LOS ANGELES (AP) "Months after the death of the Mars rover Spirit, its surviving twin is poised to reach the rim of a vast crater. . . "

Wait a minute. What twin? When have we heard about that before? Out of whose ass did they pull that one? How inattentive do they think we are?

You young career seekers out there should consider becoming a government novelist.
Imagine scripting moon walks, the assassination of bin Laden, and now the sudden discovery of another Mars rover, not to mention the two moons and the solar-powered rocket to Jupiter. You could be the new Ray Bradbury, and start at GS-12, $60,274.

PUBLISHED TODAY: "Shared sacrifice" (see below) Of course, the readers of the E-R have probably written me off as an insensitive lout, so I won't read about how unfair of me it is to expect people to work for what they get. But then, anyone who might be offended is too busy sitting on his/her ass and drinking beer to read the paper. (Notice: That's four "asses" in one post. . . a record.)


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