Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, January 07, 2012

One important; two others not so much

1) Carefully secreted on page 11A of the Sacramento Bee is the story of President Obama's latest plan for the continued destruction of the United States of America. It tells of the systematic dismantling of the military. The one factor not mentioned was something that is now being downplayed in the media -- the reduction of the number of troops by 100,000. If for no other reason, that many displaced soldiers looking for work is just another increase in unemployment. He must be stopped.

2) I am looking for a recipe for prune whip. For 30-40 years, since I heard some comedian say he was going to give it up, I have made avoiding prune whip my New Year's resolution. It has been easy to fulfill, because I have no idea what it is, or, more specifically, how it is made.

3) My birthday next week will have its own motto. Following my trombonic celebration two years ago, and last year's Kookie anniversary, this year I have two sources. One is the number of one of the Psalms from the Bible -- "A poem of Asaph." The other is more transparent (a popular modern buzzword). It is the number representing the speed at which recorded music was played on phonographs. Remember phonographs? They were the forerunners of three-speed record players, wire recorders, reel-to reel tapes, 8-track players (briefly), and audio cassettes. Not to mention CDs which are presently being assaulted by another ephemeral method. I suspect that eventually the mere thought of music will be retrieved from the air by a chip implanted under our skin. I hope it will have an "off" switch for selective non-listening.


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