Independence Day
Having scrolled back to 2006, when I began this journey of 1,055 posts, I discovered I have failed to properly recognize all but one July 4. That is inexcusable. Please enjoy the day.
Unfortunately, in my reading, I came across much talk about how American independence is being threatened, and I can't report that things are getting any better. So as not to bum you out on the holiday, I will limit my comments to just one upcoming Obamanation.
At the beginning of next year, you will be required to purchase health insurance. That cost is estimated to be more that $5,000 per year. If you do not do so, you will be fined about $150, a figure that will grow exponentially each successive year. That means you will be paying for the freedom of not having to buy anything you don't want, can't afford, and/or need. Paying for freedom? Didn't those who fought and died for out country do that?
And what will your $150 buy? Million dollar vacations for President Obama, his wife and children, and 75 or so of his cronies? Maybe that runny nose I experience during the first meal of the day, will be given a name, a new drug spelled wth gratuitous "x's" and "y's" (which are pronounced like z and i), and be declared a "disablilty." Or how about feeding babies that have been abandoned by deadbeat fathers because their booty calls don't care either, unless they can fleece the taxpayers out of their "entitlement?" Do I need to go on, or are you getting angry enough already? Sorry. . . eat your hotdogs.
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