Fun news
What I want to know is who are these people of the American Society of Microbiology who lurk in public restrooms to spy on people to see if they're washing their hands? Apparently, it is advisable to avoid "big cities," because this "scientific research" took place in four of them, where 6,000 people were subjected to snooping. Was this electronic observation, or were there "scientists" hiding in the stalls (a la Minneapolis)? The research conclusions? Who cares?
Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers sued God last week. Angered by the proliferation of frivolous lawsuits, he asserted that "God has made terroristic threats against [him] and his constitutents, inspired fear and caused widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of Earth's inhabitants." The Omaha senator also says God has caused "fearsome floods. . . horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes." He is seeking a permanent injunction against the Almighty. Chambers maintains He can be sued in Douglas County, Nebraska, because He's everywhere.
O.J.'s arrest is nothing more than a publicity stunt to promote his book. He's no more guilty of these charges than he was of the murder of his wife. What? He did? Really?
Have you noticed how the people who grow and use medical marijuana often look and talk remarkably like those who grow and smoke illegal pot? Are we sure doctors are actually prescribing it, and giving up all those perks from the drug companies?
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