Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Monday, September 10, 2007

Spew (a funny word)

As I was preparing a response to a letter to the editor of the pamphlet bemoaning that Republicans "spew hate," I decided to analyze where all the hatred is actually coming from. Because I am a registered Republican, and I hate no one, I am puzzled by the phenomenon. It seems to stem from the 2000 election, which the Democrats lost and couldn't accept. When, a few months later, because of the failure of the Clinton administration to kill Osama Bin Laden when the CIA said they could, we were attacked and we had to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. At that point, someone, probably disgruntled Democrats, created two gigantic lies. Speaking from no credible evidence, and with Nazi precision, the fictions "Bush lied," and "war for oil" were fabricated. Those who have been brainwashed continue to mouth this nonsense, and it allows them to hate the President and our country.

Suddenly, I realize my target audience has probably already stopped reading. Closed minds accompany unreasoned hate.


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