Hidden in the last pargraph of an AP story about the rescue of the Colombian hostages was a fact the liberal media doesn't really want you to know. On page A8 of the Sacramento Bee, we learned, "U.S. authorities were told 10 days before the operation as part of an agreement President Alvaro Uribe made with President Bush not to take any action without Washington's concurrence. . . ."
This is precisely the role of the U.S. in the world. The most powerful, compassionate and affluent country has always taken the lead in world affairs, and that's what we should be doing now. Since we took over that role from England after the Revolution, we have been charged with the responsibility of making the entire world better by example. That is the purpose of diplomacy, and let us hope that Colombia and Iraq are not the only places enjoying our support.
EXTRA: "Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, Mr. President
Happy birthday to you." (With thanks to Marilyn Monroe)
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