Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


The commercial I just saw on TV said the average family can save $3,100 this year by shopping at Walmart. If you are average, and you shop at Walmart, may I suggest that you put away all those savings in an interest-bearing account, because when the Walton State Store, a subsidiary of the Obamination, runs everyone else out of business, you will have to pay whatever inflated price they want to charge.

Walmart is run by seven of the richest people in the world, and they didn't get that way by being magnanimous. What they did was intimidate their suppliers, and then make a sweetheart deal with Chinese sweatshops. The volume they handle allows them to stock their shelves with cheap, inferior goods which you must soon replace. The latest goldmine of consumables for them is food. At the expense of the farmers, they will undersell all competitors until none remain, when you will meet their price or starve. Whose survival do you suppose seven rich people will consider the more important? (As published on 8/9)

If I'm proven wrong before you or I die, I'll apologize.

HOLD ON: I just heard that Bill Clinton is in North Korea talking about the hostages. If he is successful, I promise to stop calling him names. UPDATE: It looks like he pulled it off. I'm going to pretend he didn't give up anything important, and no more "Slick Willie" from me. It's thanks, Bill; how's the wife?


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