Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, July 16, 2010

The beginning?

The Attorney General of Michigan, coordinating (in alphabetical order) with the eight states of Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia, and the Northern Mariana Islands has filed suit in federal court to support the immigration laws enacted by Arizona.

As you must know, the Northern Mariana Islands are in the Pacific Ocean, just north of Guam. On Guam there is a sizeable contingent of U.S. military, and wouldn't it be interesting if the new civil war, to be fought over states' rights, began in the Northern Mariana Islands? I don't know who would initiate the action, but I'll bet those Islanders are feisty dudes. After all, what else do they have to do except overcharge the tourists? (Also see FYI below.)

It is curious that neither New Mexico nor California are on board yet. That would unite all the Mexican border states for everyone except that Milwaukee City Council member who didn't know that Arizona was a one of them. (Donate to Maps for the Oblivious.)

FYI: In 1975, the residents of the NMI voted to become a U.S. Commonwealth. In 2007, the workers in their booming garment industry complained that they were slaving under sweatshop conditions, making clothes, probably for American companies; so our magnanimous Congress passed legislation to raise the minimum wage to the federal rate by 2015. That's 2015. . . still five years from now. Maybe that will energize the war effort.


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