Laugh your fat ass off
Contrary to popular belief, Medicare Part D (assistance paying for drugs) is not voluntary. It's just another "free" program into which I have been enrolled, and which eventually the government will be unable to fund. The company, RxAmerica, from time to time sends me a newsletter chock-full of "knowledge." You may remember some of that nonsense from one of my earlier posts. Here is the latest revelation:
"Did you know. . . Laughing 100 times roughly equals 15 minutes on an exercise bike? Vigorous laughter increases the heart rate, deepens the breathing rate, and uses muscles in the face, stomach, and diaphragm. It also releases oxytocin, the feel good hormone that puts you in a good mood. Have a laugh, it's good for you!"
So, you see, my love of humor is as good as, and more pleasant than, exercise.
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