Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

During the void

I know you're interested in my take on the Super Bowl, but I really don't care, because I'm a baseball person. Unfortunately, after contributing a little over $200 each of the last 18 years to the prizes won by my fellow participants, my fantasy game company is going out of business.

So, I'm looking for a new provider to whom I can make my annual charitable contribution. If you know a good one, let me know.

ALSO: The city council in the local college town is quite incompetent. Although one of their members ran for higher office in the recent election, and had a very good chance of winning, the council made no provision for choosing his successor. So, now there's an opening, and they have decided to appoint someone, but if their vote is 3-3, they say there will be an election. God knows how legal any of that is.

From twenty prospectives who submitted resumes, they narrowed the list down to two. Of course, I wouldn't be able to vote because I am not a city resident, but I know exactly who shouldn't be elected. That would be Mr. Sor Lo, who wants to trade on his Hmong heritage by saying he thinks his failure to be chosen "would send a message to minorities that they are not welcome in this community." I don't surrender to such racist intimidation.

FYI: 1. I have about had enough of The Cape, Summer Glau notwithstanding. Any attempt at clever dialogue has given way to mindless violence.
2. Stana Katic (Castle) is definitely the most attractive woman on regular series television. I would cheat on my wife with her, if I had a wife, and Stana wouldn't laugh. . . and run away.


At 4:57 PM, Blogger Kurt said...

Unfortunately, Summer Glau is only watchable as a robot. I await her next robot-based role.


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