Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Parents say, "Do you see US eating?"

Rather than categorizing people as members of certain political parties or liberal or conservative, why don't we characterize their behavior as moral or immoral? After all, the nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and, as such, it is mandated that the people and their leaders must value morality and eschew breaches thereof.

Let us examine a couple of the most flagrant offenses practiced by Americans and their politicians:


The most pervasive American misbehavior is lying. Whether it's the whoppers the government uses to hide its incompetence, or their repetition by politicians hoping to be re-elected, or by brainwashed citzens trying to convince others, it's immoral.


Human nature being what it is, few of us can pass up something for nothing. Unfortunately, when it comes from the government, there are lengthy strings attached to the purses of your friends and neighbors which have been tapped for the benefit of others. Accepting such largess when the recipient knows it is not deserved is immoral.


If a 2/19 AP story is accurate, recent photos of Memphis and Kansas City should resemble those of the poorest third world country imagineable. The article says that, in Memphis, 84% of school children qualify for free or reduced price lunches. In Kansas City the figure is 86%. Because all parents' first responsiblity is to their children, that must mean that masses of adults are starving in those cities. To be true, either the criteria are ridiculously generous, or someone is lying. Lying to receive something you don't deserve is the double-whammy of immorality.


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