I have never taken a course in marketing, but two practices businesses employ really annoy me, and I don't understand why anyone considers them effective sales techniques.
1) The same TV commercial being repeatedly aired convinces me never to purchase the product. For instance, I have seen the Anthem ad in which "grandpa" plays "Born To Be Wild" at least a hundred times. Do you suppose they think that when I see Number 101 I'll suddenly be encouraged to call them and buy?
2) Each Sunday, I receive a brochure from each of three stores I regularly patronize. Why do they change the prices each week for no apparent reason? For instance, my favorite, Moosehead Lager, fluctuates in price from $9.99 to $10.99 to $11.99 depending upon the whim of some "expert" in the sales department. What a waste of paper, when I simply wait for the cheapest price.
Next, Anderson Cooper has officially come out of the closet. Why does anybody care? Is it because now we can be reminded again that Gloria Vanderbilt is his mother? Is this part of the love-hate relationship the liberals have with the rich? I hope he doesn't use his gay public personna to emulate Andy Humm of TV's "Gay USA" (FSTV) who uses his forum childishly to bad-mouth his betters. This week, for instance, he had the affrontery to call President Reagan and Winston Churchill insulting names because they died without marching in some "pride" parade.
Finally, the day before the Supreme Court got health care wrong, they legitimized lying. It is now perfectly legal for any sleazebag to claim he has received a military honor. Never mind that the Ten Commandments denounce lying, and many churches consider it a sin punishable by damnation, the liberals on the Court emulated their cronies in Congress to contnue the attack on religion, the truth, and the founders' vision.
Tomorrow, on the nation's birthday, please think about what you can do to assure there will be another one.
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